Argosy Private Equity News

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October 31, 2023
Private Equity

Argosy Private Equity Named to Inc.’s 2023 Founder-Friendly Investors List

Argosy Private Equity is pleased to announce that we have been named to Inc.’s 2023 Founder-Friendly Investors List for the second year in a row. This list honors private equity, venture capital, and debt firms with the best track records of success backing entrepreneurs.1

The final list recognizes 218 firms that remain actively involved with the businesses they invest in, and that have earned the trust of the entrepreneurs they support to help drive growth.

Since Argosy’s founding in 1990, we have been focused on partnering with and investing in founder-owned businesses. To date, we have partnered with more than 130 U.S. small businesses, providing business owners and management teams with the financial support and operational resources to help them grow and professionalize their businesses. This includes implementation of Argosy’s proprietary Value Acceleration Methodology – VAMTM, to help them grow and professionalize their businesses.

Thank you to the Inc. team for this recognition and to the founders who nominated us. To compile the list, Inc. went straight to the source: entrepreneurs who have sold to private equity and venture capital firms. Founders filled out a questionnaire about their experiences partnering with private equity, venture capital, and debt firms and shared data on how their portfolio companies have grown during these partnerships.

To see the complete list, go to:


1. This award is the opinion of the party conferring the award and not of Argosy. The 2023 Founder-Friendly Investors list, issued by Inc. Magazine on October 31, 2023, was based on activity ended June 30, 2023. Argosy submitted an application fee for this award. There can be no assurance that other providers or surveys would reach the same conclusion as the foregoing. 

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