Argosy Private Equity News
Keep up with the latest updates regarding our team and portfolio.
2020 Year in Review
What a 30th anniversary 2020 turned out to be!
Over the past 30 years, Argosy Capital has grown to $1.5 billion in assets under management and 48 professionals across the U.S. Three decades of investing, across multiple asset classes, in bull markets and in bear markets, has truly impressed upon us that indeed “smooth seas do not make skillful sailors”.
We are incredibly appreciative to all of you, who made this update possible. Stay safe and healthy and wishing everyone a successful 2021.
While much has been reported about the challenges of 2020, we would like to reflect upon a year that also brought with it many positives and share some the highlights from a year that none of us at Argosy Private Equity will soon forget!
Platform Acquisitions
We made the first investment from our 6th lower middle market fund, investing in and partnering with Bionix, LLC. Read more here.
2020 Add-On Acquisitions
Capewell Aerial Systems acquired Rhine Air
Groome launched NOXCO
Paragon Energy Solutions acquired Nuclear Logistics, LLC
Exits and Portfolio Company Successes
Despite the shut down due to COVID-19 earlier in the year, we had some companies that continued to perform well and were acquired.
KICTeam sold to Inverness Graham.
Read more here
Vanguard sold to the Black Diamond Group.
Read more here
Fairway sold to Envision Building Products, LLC.
Read more here
2020 VAM Initiatives
In early 2020 and in concert with our portfolio, we quickly adapted and navigated the unknown and dynamics of COVID-19. 2020 became a year of communication, collaboration and innovation with our portfolio companies.
Over the course of the year, we had thousands of virtual touch points with our companies, ranging from daily zoom calls, weekly/monthly learning events, CEO roundtables, annual summits and more. We continue to refine and deploy our Value Acceleration playbook inside of Argosy and across the portfolio.
We are incredibly grateful for everything we were able to accomplish in 2020 and believe these tools will continue to generate shareholder value as we move into 2021 and beyond.
Team Additions and Promotions
During 2020 and early 2021, we added three professionals to the team.
In early 2020, both Matthew Erbe and Aaron Parker were promoted to VPs.
KICTeam was awarded Deal of the Year from M&A Atlas.

Thank you to everyone who made the above update possible. Here is to a safe, healthy, and successful 2021.